CIDataSolutions™ Graphs Toolbox:

Icône_pan "Pan Zoom" tool: First click on the tool to select it. Clicking again on the tool will deselect it. A blue vertical line aside informs you when tool is selected. Use the mouse to go over the area of interest and click with the mouse. The target area will expand. When completed, you can "Save" the present view or "Reset" the graph to its original shape. Click on the tool again to deselect it.

Icône_Box_Zoom "Box Zoom" tool: First click on the tool to select it. Clicking again on the tool will deselect it. A blue vertical line aside informs you when tool is selected. Use the mouse left button to draw a rectangle over the area of interest. To do so click and hold the mouse left button, starting from one up corner and moving while holding the button to the opposite down corner in a diagonal path (or vice versa). Release the mouse button. The graph expands over the drawn area. You can repeat this sequence to the point of seeing each sample recorded. Again, when completed, you can "Save" your view or "Reset" it for more analysis. Click on the tool again to deselect it.

Icône_Wheel_Zoom "Wheel Zoom " tool: First click on the tool to select it. Clicking again on the tool will deselect it. A blue vertical line aside informs you when tool is selected. Use the mouse wheel to expand/compress the graph at the location your mouse is pointing. Again, when completed, you can "Save" your view or "Reset" it for more analysis. Note: you can also use a combination of the tools. Click on the tool again to deselect it.

Icône_Save "Save" tool: A single click on the tool initiates the "Save" procedure with your browser. The graph view, as it was expanded or panned, will be saved in jpeg format, so you can later use that image in your noise analysis report.

Icône_Reset "Reset" tool: A single click on this tool resets the graph to its original shape.

Icône Curves_On_Off "Curve On/Off" tool: When multiple curves are shown on the same graph, clicking on the curve's title would do a toggle of "hide" or "show". Any combination of "hide" and "show" is valid.